A hosting provider is a company or a person that "hosts" your blog on his or her own server space. When you wish to set up your own blog, choosing the hosting provider is probably one of the most confusing tasks.

Since blogging has become a business where companies hire bloggers to tackle different subjects ranging from consumer electronics to the best movies of all time, choosing the best hosting provider is the most important factor to be successful in a blogging career.

When shopping around for hosting companies, you can narrow down your search by dividing them into three categories - exclusive blog, web hosting and web hosting resellers. Exclusive blog hosting services and web hosting providers offer both paid and free services.

Blog Hosting Providers: Know Your Options as a Blogger

When choosing a hosting company, you have to determine your blogging needs and preferences as well as the intended purpose of the blog. Some people create blogs as a personal journal, while other people create blogs to make money. Determining your intended purpose will be a factor in choosing the blog hosting provider that will meet your needs.

If you're not familiar with HTML or other encoding, you could look for hosting companies that offers simple, no-setup interfaces for blogs. However, if you want to have total control by completely customizing your blog, you could search for certain providers that offer unlimited features and options for bloggers like you.

Unlike free web hosting services, blog hosts can give more chances of a blogger's exposure compared to paid blog hosting, especially if you wish to set up a blog to make money. This is because popular providers, which are on the top list of a search engine result, can give your blog exposure to a wider audience because of the automatic encoding included in the service.

On the other hand, when you choose to host your blog with web providers, you will be in control of the look, template, interface, add-ons to include and other features you wish to include on your blog. However, when choosing web hosting services rather than blog providers, make sure that you have basic knowledge of HTML, different encoding methods and techniques to market your blog site.

Simply put, choosing the blog hosting service depends on how well you can create, manage and market your blog site. If you're an IT-savvy person and you want total control over your blog site, then go with a paid web hosting provider. However, if you want to blog to make money, to create your personal journal or to obtain instant fame without encoding or HTML knowledge, then your best bet is to go with blog hosting providers.

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