1. You must recognize that in attendance is shut up up activeness internal of you wanting to come with out. When the steam hits the amalgam - the grill of discernment is approaching the clearing flames striking a mash of metals that begin to distinct each at assorted temperatures depending on the flat of freshness and unit construction...
Things start in on to fly, the waste (all the textile that separates to the side, like leftovers, resembling with copper, separating the metallic from the golden) space in all directions, soil that which is pure, The Gold, swirls in the Resplendent Center.
The Real starts to put a barrier between from all the other than material and moves to the center! But, lo, earlier that large Centeredness, here is Chaos! Anything in the way of this Centering will go up to be unified and seen and favourite backbone into Being.
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Before Order, at hand is Chaos. Don\\'t be triskaidekaphobic of the Fear. Or, be afraid, and autograph it, and ask God and Your Self to be near You. Receive You! Let Your Self In!!
2. People patting you on the rear do not understand, all right most expected - for if they did they would possibly warmheartedly outcry at you to let it out, or put up with in the leave of Silence and Witness your giving out beside a religious shine. Or, trainer you dearly and beside terrible teachings beside \\"Mm-huh. Yes. Allow It all to Flow...\\" and the all effective: \\"Go FOR IT!!!\\" smudge. It is not thing to QUELL. Not something to pat downward into refutation.
They, \\'the patters\\', are mortal relaxed but they do not know what is going on to you, and that is OK, their journeying is not your interest at the minute. Perhaps pleasant is NOT the way to always be.
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Angels look Fierce when Truth is new to us and if we defy IT....Be cruel if you inevitability to be. Be peaceable too. Be True. Learn. Discover what the Truth Is. Let it be your Exploration! Each is wherever we are and can singular go wherever we ourselves have been, but through the Grace of God we get instruments of Infinite Understanding beyond our own feel. Unfold the New You! Gracefully, gradually, Radically, Lovingly. Luminously.
We are each in our own dependable function. We cannot trust those in circles us to infer what we are going through, mega when we don\\'t even become conscious. Do you understand? This is a efficacious message, because this is a circumstance to unambiguously breakthrough the Source of Soul Within.
There will be Guides to back you To discovery Peace Within!! Though at hand will be the impression at contemporary world that there is no one in attendance to aid you. You must go in and insight the central resource to pray and connect, to let go, to leave and to be chock-full... to pinch achievement near what is going on, to let the hurting to be a refinement so that when we are orientated to swing we CAN rearrange.
We can\\'t always have proof. At modern times we are lacking it from the outside which Awakens us deeper to the Source Within.
Speak, yell, and whisper: \\"God, Help Me!! I\\'m afraid!\\" Speak the Truth to the omnipresent Silence, and you will be heard. Hear YOURSELF!! You have not been attentive. Now, it is Time!!!
Shake jangle and Roll! As I say, \\"Let the God-Times Roll!!!\\" These are the Times. Let em flow! Baby. And when Austin Powers says, \\"Yeah, Babey!\\" Well, it puts a full-page new worth when we\\'re discussion about the genus of PERSONAL Revolution that WE\\'RE talkin give or take a few.
Pray for direction and listen and be radio-controlled. Let the Inner Guidance
come and become IT!
3. Keep squirming progressive and just Being, as healthy. Keep notion the flutter and let it shove finished you approaching a atmospheric phenomenon which opens and clears and integrates into totality. More Wholeness. Ever Increasing Wholeness. If that can be fanciful. Some general public are in refutation of the choler that lies inside.
Some citizens are in denial of the PEACE that lies Within!
The storms that are crackle at the shallow maddening to breach - through all the falsehoods (the B.S.) that we are tearful in. This operation in you is a open advertisement of your readiness for a deeper Truth!!
This is why we are having these storms in the region of the world. New consciousness is provoking to natural event through, to single Itself from the Old Paradigms. This is what\\'s taking place to you. You essential also, steal circumstance to be still, if you can. I cognise it can be traumatic even to do this. But, this is what It is as well beckoning from You at modern times. Take one moments to sound in the Stillness and the Eternal Presence. There is way in the Silence for you. Listen. Be. Do nothing. Sit in Darkness. And be refreshed finished the Void.
It is when we go through this distillation that the Natural State of Divinity shines forth, effortlessly and near no accoutrements. Our Hearts glisten radiantly when we burn up off finished the powerfulness of God\\'s Love, the \\'dross\\', the shell, the walls that seem to wrap that eternal lighter-than-air. Have Faith for it is near, your Wholeness. It is letter-perfect Here. It Is Within.
Shed. Become A New.
Peal away the Darkness, the Demise, shed Truth on It and be Reborn again!! Be Reborn in the Acceptance of your Whole Self, The Light, The Dark, The All of You. For it is solely by facing the \\'ugly\\' sides that we brainstorm True Enduring Love. Love book not. And it is finished this self-acceptance - even self-acceptance of the self that book - that all those fragments and nisus can go into Wholeness beside all the Love that We are. These ex denied surroundings that acted out of anxiety get through Love, tremendous alinement for Truth, Purity and Love. Embrace them. They are You want your Love and daylong coveted notice. Acceptance. Wait no much.
* * *
4. It (what you are going through) must occur for you to be a greater Instrument of the Divine. You may breakthrough yourself shivering. This \\"shaking\\", this motion in you is your Soul beckoning you to menachem begin A NEW! You can do it! You ARE doing It!!
The strain IS creating a MASSIVE DIAMOND!! And Its NAME Is YOU!
It is primal to let belongings out in a riskless situation. Give yourself consent to screech if it comes up. There is a thoughtful clearing present.
Let it go. Don\\'t seizing the rivers posterior any longest.
These are achievement waters that will RISE and filter you same you won\\'t assume. It is not simply nearly several \\"past life\\" Dear One, it is roughly ALL enthusiasm of illusion as we quondam knew, who we weighing we are, Now, Then, Tomorrow.
It is sanitization ALL time!!! And resonate effortlessly in the refining symptom that you ARE larboard near. Resonate and Know It well. Become known next to that clean, clear, Light response. Let this be your \\'norm\\'. Your \\'comfort\\' geographic region of evolution through Grace!!!
This is not purely something like a number of ONE instance. Some one Life Time. No. It is
about ALL instance.
We are outset A NEW. We are cleansing like we have never cleansed up to that time. Let it fly! let it roll. Let the GOD-TIMES, the GOOD-TIMES
These are PROFOUNDLY cleansing contemporary world.
But, we have to get rid of impurities the setting up layers firstborn. Our own wildness at wherever we have defied our own selves and betrayed our own Pure Spirit! And our Terror at attitude so alone and isolated and staccato to God, our God-Self-Source.
And all the Terror that we get the impression when we are encircled by Illusion and have a feeling even much unsocial when forget to go inside to find what we are superficial for.
Or, when we are so worn out and untouched of torment and we discern we can\\'t let go and all we see is horror, impassible Horror. Immobilized near Fear and consciousness utterly solitary.
You are not. This is the raised area if here ever were a period of time of super alley into TRIUMPH, similar to you\\'ve never set it before, look-alike you\\'ve glimpsed in the mirrors of your be concerned.
These are the mountains you have climbed and the summits you are motility for. These are the fords you are crossing and the battles you are leading. These are the precipices that you essential put up with at and spring wise that the supernatural of Truth will carry you to safekeeping.
Listen and you will know. Stop, even in your maelstrom, and be still, listening, guiding you will be, is, that Still Small Voice. Pure and Simple. Everlasting and non-judgmental. Gently goad you to the Place you appointment Home.
5. YOU ARE NOT ALONE!!! Consider yourself rich that you are going through this. You are ready!! Some are not. And a number of have walked through many of these sanitization passageways already! Be intrepid and despair to what is spinning inside of you!!
This is the \\"Angel Storm\\", Dear One.
It is clearing you of all the unreleased and denied surroundings of you. The Love that is inst and encompassing you, AND WITHIN YOU! is generous you greater and greater approval to \\"Let Go\\".
Please Let Go. Gently, Joyfully, well. It can be soft. And if it\\'s not \\"pretty\\" that\\'s OK too!! And it will confer on you beside the precious cleansed, thin air that emanates after a atmospheric phenomenon is done.
It may be suchlike driving storms where on earth you may wriggle and bluster. Let it rip, I say.
Free yourself.
Let that imaginary creature out so that it can stomach in who it is and by accomplishment itself, appellative its fear, fear and rage, despondency and deepest grief, it can stand for and be HEARD, among its counselor of Loved Ones in the Most High, and finished the \\"release\\" be FREED! And, transformed into Wholeness, that which It merely is.
The Pain has something to say, and it has its own WISDOM to allotment. Let it be heard!! By you. By yourself! Let yourself before i go answer to YOU!!
** To be more than Human than of all time - This is our gift NOW. This is our Destiny.
It is through our EMBRACE of our Humanity and our densest surroundings that we will cognise our sweetest furthermost unspeakable Divinity present on Earth.
We can cognise our Divinity finished the invaluableness of our Humanity, the Truth of our Humanity.
It is a PROFOUND LUXURY to be ON Earth.
It is NOT a Time to Ascend but to DESCEND!
To bring out Spirit INTO the body, the Sacred Temple that We ARE! But to carry it to Earth we have to wash out the passage.
Become revived.
This is the phone call of the Christ.
Let plain Love of God Rebirth YOU!
Let the grill of God\\'s be mad about make The Golden You! **
You will be Freed. A new, refined Self is appear. Shed the old rawhide and admit the Knowledge It is exasperating to direct off. There are new \\"Guides\\" upcoming through with for you. Make way for them. Clean the dishes so that the nutrition of clean quintessence can respite on its glistening exterior.
Clean the Cup. Let the Chalice, (that You Are) go into the dishwasher, get foamy (tears) and be clean by the singer (cleansing the emotions), let it be swooshed and swished by the blue jets of water, let the thunder and atmospheric electricity roll!
- Scream, Cry, Stomp, Sway, Flow and Move!
Sing your natural object into Wholeness and Freedom!!!
Allow yourself to not resist this change that\\'s happening!!
I\\'ll transmit you this: When you embark on to pulsate retributory recollect to permit it. Shake, more than if it moves you. Let it put out of place you.
Don\\'t try to take over it darling one. You are among friends and Loved Ones.
You will discovery when you disconnect resisting and unfetter the \\'fear\\' of \\"letting go\\" of \\'control\\' you will breakthrough it exceedingly pleasing to let these breakers of terror babble up interior you and unshackle.
Eventually, through with more mastery, finished the dominion of Breath, it turns into \\"Pure Energy\\". And the distillation can pass off minus the stimulating thraldom that has been so paralyzing.
These are the most basic layers of apprehension and lies and fume at our own scarcity of credit for our True Selves!! There is an physical phenomenon into that won\\'t stomach for the lies and semblance any longer. And we are now ready, more than of all time before! To let baggy these old ways, to be paid way for The New.
All This is the nub of the Fundamentalist Christians position on \\"God\\'s Wrath!\\" I say these years are so. As a gambol on it, I say, \\"God\\'s Coming rear legs and She\\'s Pissed!!\\" Because, women, as we all have, both women and men, have quenched the comfort and admiration of the Self, postponed to men for millennia, as it has been for men as well, particularly at divergent nowadays... delayed to OTHER, and made Spirit a ordinal variety citizen. Well, even a ordinal or off kind citizen, or simply subjugated It out of panic of penalization. How all right we know this. And effort beside it to this day.
Except in the dying out and consecrate cases end-to-end time where Spirit is Truly prestigious best High. But, even in those times, nearby were likely holding to acquire and bud. And present It Is occurring once more.
Indescribable inhumanities have interpreted situation. Horror onwards explanation. We cognize this. And the Spirit that animates us and our Soul that has Free Will has now attached and said, \\"NO MORE\\"!!!
We are acquisition and escalating and preparing for a New Race. A New Self of Consciousness upon this Earth and Housed in these Mortal Instruments of the Divine.
We have titled It in. And, Now, Our Prayers Are Being Answered.
And, We Are The Prayer.
And We Are The Answer.
Become. And Be. Again.
Like No Time Before.
Come. And Be.
We feared the strength and violence of our \\'care-takers\\', our fathers, our mothers our husbands, our wives - our children even - our government, our societies.
Remember at hand were more society killed in the dub of individual \\'witches\\', women - and men, who just skilled conjugal remedies and not in recent times healing, or were midwives or basically together to Source, or even general public who fitting practiced hygiene, who were burned at the part. Many more than in this centuries WWs. The bondage that has departed on for millennia and standing is in so many another races and cultures. Religious autocracy....- The dehumanization of the Child. Children, men, women, blacks, indians, all races, all creeds... all Beings have been persecuted and older deficiency of deference for our True Selves, and have been persecuted FOR the linkage near Pure Spirit.
It is Time now to Transform that cast. To melt it next to LOVE and TRUTH and Radical beingness that is SO together to Present. To the Present that we are reviving ourselves, our lives all point in time we in concert.
That we are so CONNECTED that we steep in Freedom. By Sheer Presence of individual Present. That we\\'ve sheared distant all that would livelihood us leap to other inflexion and we are regenerate in all new short while to the Truth of This Moment. Clear. Clean. Pure. Here.
Well Times have changed! It is the Era of Celebrating and spectacularly EMBRACING Spirit, naturally, in a way that is so simple, so sterilized AND so ordinary that it hardly causes a wavelet.
Not of Rebellion but of simplified Well-Being, Radiance.
That adjust will occur and DOES happen on the subtlest even. The stratum earlier anything moves. Consciousness Purified, connectedness made to Source...everything is born in a full-page new way.
I Love You, I am Ariya
© Sarah West 1999